Trinity Cathedral: Partnership Spotlight

We have been in partnership with Trinity Cathedral for seven years.

Trinity Cathedral is part of The Episcopal Church, a church body descended from the Anglican tradition in England. Trinity is the cathedral for its diocese, meaning Trinity Cathedral is the place where the bishop of this particular diocese of The Episcopal Church ordains new pastors and confirms confirmands in addition to other diocesan events.

Located at the intersection of 1st Avenue and Roosevelt, Trinity is one of our closest neighbors; thus, Trinity’s clergy participate in the downtown ministerium alongside Grace and the other downtown congregations.

Alongside Ascension Lutheran Church in Paradise Valley, members of Trinity serve the pancake breakfast regularly (8 times in 2018). We have also partnered with Trinity for Thanksgiving Eve services, a September 11 remembrance service, campus ministry endeavors, CROPWalk tabling, and sundry events. We give thanks to God for Trinity’s partnership!